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Jemina Organization for Mentally Handicapped Children

Telephone: 02-2741214
Fax: 02-2741214
Address: P.O. Box 971, Al-Doha St., Beit Jala
E-mail: jemina@painet.com

The Jemina Organization for Mentally Handicapped Children is a branch of the Dutch Jemina Organization. It was established in 1986 and works to provide care for mentally and physically handicapped boys and girls, to train them for independence, and to offer them entertainment and educational activities. Its services cover the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Jemina Home for boys and Kizya Home for girls provide daily care as well as physiotherapy.


Swedish International Relief Association SIRA

Telephone: 2742597
Fax: 2741254
Address: P.O.Box. 167, main str., Beit Jala

In the Bethlehem area, SIRA (Swedish International Relief Association) helped epileptic children from 1968 - 1992. In 1992, the SIRA board decided to serve a new group: “The slow learners”. These were in urgent need for help as there wasn’t a single school in the area to meet this need.

Thus the first special education school was established in Bethlehem and in 1994 the second school was established in Jericho.


Beit Ar -Raja' Association

Telephone: 2742325
Fax: 2740928
Address: As-Sahel St., Beit Jala
E-mail: houseofhopemd@palnet.com

Founded in 1962 and is interested in the affairs of people with mental and physical disabilities, and the visually impaired people.


Life Gate Association for Rehabilitation

Telephone: 2741373
Fax: 2741065
Address: Beit Jala –Al Jadawel
E-mail: lifegate@netvision.net.il
Website: www.lifegate-reha.de

A German Charitable non- profit organization specialized in the rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities and providing them with vocational training in order to facilitate their involvement and integration in the local community, in addition to helping the needed people with special needs with special needs to get the necessary equipments such as headphones, wheelchairs and other tools.


The Civil Society for the visually impaired- Ash Shurouq School for the Blind

Telephone: 2766151
Fax: 2766151
Address: Al-Amayer St., Beit Jala
E-mail: info@nsfvh.org
Website: www.nsfvh.org

Founded in 1964, which in turn established Ash- Shurouq School in 1981. This Society aims at providing educational services and equal opportunities for the visually impaired, seeking to integrate them into the society. The society has also established a library for the production of "Braille" books, for the visually impaired.

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